White House Reading Comprehension Escape Challenge

# of Pages: 18
File Type: PDF



This is a fun reading White House Reading Comprehension review activity that will have your students engaged and LOVING every minute of reading practice and review! Can your students work in teams to use reading comprehension practice skills in order to collect all the items related to the White House? Perfect for a social studies classroom transformation, reading test prep, or end of the year reading activities! It’s time to visit the White House!


Click HERE to SAVE with the Reading Comprehension Escape Challenge Bundle!


All problems in this challenge are related to the White House (the building….politics-free) and require students to use reading comprehension skills.


This resource does NOT address politics. It informs factual information about the history of the White House.


This engaging, high-interest White House Reading Comprehension Escape Challenge includes these printable activities:

  • Teacher Directions
  • Visit the White House Collection Sheet
  • Task 1: The History of the White House Reading Passage and Questions
  • Task 2: White House History Timeline
  • Task 3: Informational Table
  • Task 4: Fact and Opinion
  • Task 5: Word Search
  • Challenge Champion Printables (for making pencil prizes)
  • Official Reading Master Award Certificates
  • Answer Keys


Students can work in teams or individually to complete all 5 tasks in the White House Reading Comprehension Escape. As they complete each of the 5 tasks, they will bring you their answers and you will quickly check them. If they are correct, you will hand them a White House item (printed on the provided page) and the next task. They continue this process until all 5 tasks are completed. When they finish, they are “Official Chiefs of Staff” and you can give them a prize or an award.


Use the provided Challenge Champions Prize printables with pencils to make fun prizes for students!


There are no locks, no hiding of objects, or any extra prep work. The beauty of this escape activity is that it is very low prep. Just make your copies, organize your teams, label your treats (if you want to give prizes), and you’re set!


Of course, some fun patriotic music and decorations also help set the stage if you want!


As always, please contact me with any questions!

Thank you so much,
Shelly Rees


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