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Fun Thanksgiving Printables for Math and Reading

Fun Thanksgiving Printables

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The holidays can be a hard time to keep students focused on academics. Instead of fighting against the holiday excitement, use it to engage your students in meaningful math and reading activities.  These fun Thanksgiving printables will have your students excited for learning!

Fun Thanksgiving Printables

All of these Thanksgiving printables are designed to help your students work on important standards based math and language arts skills.  Your students will love them because they are fun.  In fact, they probably won’t even realize they are learning!  You will love them because you know that your lesson plans are filled with engaging academic activities.

1. Thanksgiving Printables for Math

Thanksgiving math printable


It’s always fun to spend someone else’s money!  Your students will love it too as they purchase the items necessary for a Thanksgiving dinner.

This printable math activity will have your students adding and subtracting money.  They will also be working on different ways to pay using  bills and coins.

But math isn’t the only important skill your students will be working on.  They will  be using important logic skills as they ‘shop’ and decide how much food will be needed for their Thanksgiving meal.

Challenge students to see how close to $50 they can come without going over.  Early finishers can use the information on this page to write and solve their own word problem.

Word problems are such a great way to put abstract math concepts into real world situations.  Your students will be practicing many different math skills with these historically based Thanksgiving word problems.

Not only will your students be reviewing previous learning about the First Thanksgiving, but they are sure to pick up a few fun facts too!  Using the Thanksgiving themed word problems your students will be practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, area, perimeter and two-step problems.

Turn these word problems into a great game of bingo!  Once students are finished, have them cut the page apart on the lines.  Then have them glue the squares down in any order they want to make their own, unique  3 x 4 bingo card.  Call out the answers to the problems and let them try to make bingo!  This is a sure fire way to end math with a super dose of excitement!

2. Thanksgiving Printables for Language Arts

Thanksgiving Alliteration activity


Words are fun – and this thought-provoking Thanksgiving themed alliteration activity is no exception.  Your students will practice using alliteration to describe the holiday dishes.  Then challenge them to put their alliteration into sentences and write the menu descriptions for each item.

You can also use this printable as the starting point for writing some Thanksgiving poetry.  Challenge your students to write a Thanksgiving poem or song using at least 3 of the alliterations they wrote down.  Then wrap it up with an Open Mic time for songs and poems.  It’s sure to be a writing lesson they won’t soon forget!

Understanding text organization is an important reading skill that builds strong comprehension. Students will practice identifying the structure of short Thanksgiving themed paragraphs with this fun activity.  Students will read each paragraph and then determine whether it is shows cause and effect, chronology, a problem and solution, or whether it compares or contrasts.

Thanksgiving reading printables

Writing is a wonderful cross-curricular activity.  Use this Plymouth Colony coloring page as the writing prompt for some expository or creative writing.


Have students write about an important year of history as they recall key facts and dates related to the Plymouth Colony.  This expository writing is a great informal assessment to see what students have learned in Social Studies.

Students could also do some creative writing and pretend to be one of the first settlers to arrive in the Plymouth Colony.  They could write in the form of a journal or diary where they detail the difficulties and excitement of their new adventure.


3. Thanksgiving Printable Puzzles

Puzzles are a wonderful way to promote learning in a fun and engaging way.  Your students won’t even realize they are working on improving their vocabulary and spelling with these Thanksgiving word puzzles!

Printable Thanksgiving Word Search Vocabulary Practice

Thanksgiving Word Scramble Spelling










Whether you are looking for some engaging center activities for the month of November, some academic focus in the week before Thanksgiving or even a fun Thanksgiving themed day the last day of school before the holiday, these Thanksgiving printables are perfect.  Who says learning can’t be fun!

Thanksgiving Printables for Math and Reading

Looking for More Seasonal Learning?

If you love connecting your classroom learning to the seasons or holidays then you must check out these other posts. Here are many seasonal activities that will engage your students while still keeping them focused on the important skills and standards they need.


Shelly Rees

Hi, I’m Shelly! Thank you for being here. I love helping third, fourth, and fifth grade teachers with fun and engaging activities that require no to little prep! Let me help you by taking some of the stress and work off your plate.


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Hi, I'm Shelly

Hi, I’m Shelly! Thank you for being here. I love helping third, fourth, and fifth grade teachers with fun and engaging activities that require no to little prep! Let me help you by taking some of the stress and work off your plate.

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